Evercare has great capabilities to cover the needs of processes and products evaluation, software verification and validation, and safety and dependability of software in critical systems that the aeronautical industry requires. In this field, Evercare activities include, among others:

  • Establishment and demonstration of safety according to DO178 regulation
  • Services applied to the various software levels according to regulation (including the most critical levels, A and B), to which end the following are needed:
  • Creation of the PSAC (Certification Plan) and accompanying through agreements with the certifier
  • Assurance of safety and software robustness
  • Evidence recollection of the SAS for system certification (Software related Safety Data Package compilation)
  • Additional services are provided, such as:
  • Support to qualification of development, quality assurance, verification and tests tools
  • Support to qualification of software products reused in the critical system, such as OS or libraries
  • While not explicit in DO178 for software aspects, the following are needed:
  • Safety assessments throughout all lifecycle phases (system-like safety assessments applied to software)
  • General review of safety measures

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