Evercare capabilities cover all activities regarding safety assurance as well as critical systems-software dependability and robustness assurance. Thusly, it offers its clients sector-specific certification of this kind of products, guaranteeing safety and robustness of the final product or system.
Regarding the necessary activities to obtain a system or software safety analysis from the certification and safety plans, a series of specific activities are carried out depending on the product to be certified or qualified, its operational environment and the documentation each phase produces. These activities are performed throughout all development phases and include:
- Demonstrate that the severity levels are still observed (no risk incurred while developing the product)
- Reduce the critical components and isolate them from noncritical ones
- Define measures of failure prevention, tolerance and removal in order to avoid, control and eliminate critical software failures and separate critical and noncritical components
- Support the demonstration of safety and software robustness