Evercare capabilities cover all activities regarding safety assurance as well as critical systems-software dependability and robustness assurance. Thusly, it offers its clients sector-specific certification of this kind of products, guaranteeing safety and robustness of the final product or system.


The activities of evidence gathering for certification, give as a result what is often known as ‘safety data-package’. To define it, it is necessary to know the certifier or customer, the agreements with them, the system or product to be certified or qualified, its operational environment and all the produced documentation. Among the activities that will give raise to the safety data-package are:

  • Safety demonstrations, carried out by gathering evidences during development which prove the software, and thereafter the system, are safe
  • Analysis of the product in its different development phases, regarding its safety and dependability
  • Demonstrations that suit the different regulations’ exigences, but include all development documents besides, among others:
  • Aeronautics: Software Accomplishment Summary (DO178C)
  • Automotive and railways: Safety Case (ISO 26262)
  • Space: Safety or Dependability Analysis reports (ECSS–E–ST–40C/ECSS–Q–ST–80C)